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Сгруппируйте следующие выражения по следующим темам

forms of address, greetings, acquaintance, inquiries about health, answers to the inquiries about health, farewell
Gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen! Sir! Madam! Miss! Welcome! How do you do. Hello! Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is... My family name is... What is your name/surname? Let me introduce you to Ms... Glad to meet/see see you! I am very pleased to meet you. So am I! How are you? How are your studies. I everything all right with you? What the matter? Are you all right. I am OK. Thank you. Good. Fine. Wonderful. Splendid. Marvellous. All right. Everything is (just) fine. See you soon! Good- bye! So long! All the best! Bye-bye! Be happy! Great success! Happy journey!

10) Составьте диалог – знакомство, используя выражения и речевые формулы из упражнения № 8.

11) Прочитайте диалог по ролям. Составьте генеалогическое дерево семьи Ханны (Hannah). i = interviewer н = Hannah

h: OK... so this is my family tree...

i: Right...

h: As you can see. I'm an only child...

i: No brothers and sisters

h: No... only me! My father's name is John... and he's forty... forty-eight? I think... yes, forty-eight.

i: 48 years old.

h: Yes, I'm sure! So that's my dad. my mother is Elaine... and she's a teacher.

i: Just like you!

h: That's right, we're both teachers... so those are my parents... now my mother has got two sisters... so I've got two aunts, Auntie Pat and Aunt Sally...

i: So what about Auntie Pat?

h: Well, she's very nice! She's my favourite aunt, realiy... she's married... her husband's name is Serge...

i: Serge?

н: Yes, it's not an English name... he's French, from France...

i: Oh right... and who’s Sally?

H: Sally is my other aunt... she’s the other sister... and Sally isn’t married...

i: Okay, and there are your cousins, year?

H: Marc and Lily. Yeah, they’re my consist...

i: How old are they?

H: Marc is... he’s nineteen now? He’s a student... and Lily, well, she’s the baby of the family...she’s not really a baby, she’s thirteen, but she’s a baby to me... she’s still at school …

(Elementary, p.151-152)

Составьте генеалогическое дерево своей семьи, опишите его и ответьте на вопросы партнера.

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