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Traditionally Dominant

The Archbishop of Canterbury,Dr George Carey, nevertheless rejected the view that the failure to set a minimum time for teaching Christianity was a blow to the Church, noting that the traditionally dominant British religion had still been given "pride of place."

The new model syllabuses were drawn up after two years of work by representatives of the six faiths and others. Sir Ron Dearing, SCAA chairman, said there was almost unanimous agreement that the models "achieved the right balance between learning about religions and pupils' own personal search for the meaning and purpose of life."

He said all agreed that "in the early years the curriculum should 'draw particularly on the traditions the children bring with them to school, so that religious education can develop from the beliefs and insights the children already have."

It was accepted this would be Christianity in most cases, but other religions might predominatein some regions.

Commenting on the SCAA teaching models, the prominent political commentator and author Hugo Young said they meant "the redefining of Christianity's part in Britain's civic life."

But in all cases, whatever the background of the children, the legislation will require the curriculum "to reflect the predominantly Christian heritage of the country and it (Christianity) should therefore form an important part in the curriculum at every one of the key stages."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 505 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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