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Civic Life

But there are some observers who believe this could pose a long-term threat to Christianity as the spiritual foundation of civic life in the country. The debate was also fuelled by a recent remark of the Prince of Wales to the effect that if and when he acceded to the Throne he would wish to be known as the "defender of faiths" rather than the "Defender of the Faith" as at present.

Prince Charles' hint that he wished to rule over a nationofmany faiths rather than just Anglican church caused a stir among traditionalists who are anxious about the prospect that Christianity will no longer command total devotion in classrooms.

But the Government's plans, announced in July, have been based on wide prior consultation. John Patten, the Education Secretary, outlined draft proposals six months ago which provided for Christianity to take up at least 50% of religious course time in schools.

The Church of England recommended that 75% of religious teaching time be reserved for Christianity, but the non-Christian groups lobbied to ensure that there is to be no specified minimum time for teaching Christianity. They argued that such a stipulation would send out "the wrong message" to people concerned about possible racial tension.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 510 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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