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Advantages of IE

The educators list six advantages of IE schools:

1) Children learn more academically in less time.

2) Children like this kind of school.

3) Schools are orderly and disciplined.

4) Children get a better education for life.

5) Teachers prefer teaching in IE schools.

6) Parents prefer IE to traditional schools.


1. Find in the text the English for:

обязанность, любознательность, цель, руководство, социальное общение, особое средство, изобретательность (находчивость), выдвигать идеи, добровольный, взаимоуважение, нарушение, временное прекращение, исключение, выбирать кого-л. по просьбе, предоставлять свободу, принимать решения, делать ошибки.

2. Form the derivatives from:

educate, resource, curious, guide, foster, create, motivate, choice, socialize, advise, violate, admit, inform, able, decide.

3. Arrange A and В in pairs of synonyms:

A. to break the rule, to lead, to require, abilities, talent, to obtain, an objective, curriculum, to foster, to aid, advisor, respect, principal, to occur, to realize, to guide.

B. headmaster, to understand, to lead, to violate, to take place, capacities, to get, syllabus, tutor, to regard, to demand, purpose, gift, to instil, to help, to direct.

4. Arrange A and В in pairs of antonyms:

A. children, advantage, voluntary, best, various,to include, respect, admission, frequent, little.

B. compulsory, much, to exclude, adults, worst, disadvantage, disregard, rare, expulsion, identical.

5. Answer the following questions:

1) What is the basic premise of individual education?

2) How does John Holt describe IE schools?

3) What are the objectives of IE?

4) What academic subjects are included in the curriculum of an Individual Education school?

5) In what way can the creative abilities of students be developed?

6) How is the socialization process aided in an IE school?

7) IE creates an atmosphere of mutual regard and respect, doesn't it? In what way?

8) Are there any punishments for violation in an IE school? What are they?

9) Why do you think that expulsion and suspensionare rare in such schools?

10) How do children choose their teachers?

11) What is the teacher's role in an IE school?

12) What are the six advantages of IE schools?

13) Do you think that children enjoy studying at such schools and why?

6. Find the terms that correspond to the following definitions:

1)A school in which each child can satisfy curiosity/develop abilities and talents.

2) The aims which an IE school pursue.

3)To advise about how to best proceed in various ways of learning the academic curriculum.

4) Children's communication (contacts) with other individuals.

5) When people respect each other.

6) The process of breaking rules.

7) The head of the school.

8) The strong points of IE.

7. Suppose you are the principal of an IE school. Speakabout yourschool, its aims, your students.

8. You are choosing a school for your child. Speak about the advantages of a IE school, and try to persuade other parents to send their children to this type of school.

9. Would you teach in a IE school? Explain why.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 972 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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