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Schools of the future

(From "How American Business and Education Can Cooperate to Save Our Schools" by Dr Marvin Cetron)

The schools that will shape our nation's future in the 21st century – are being planned today, at a time when education is again in the national spotlight. Nearly 30 reports issued by commissions and individuals have made it clear to the American people that their nation will be "at risk" unless they pay attention to their schools. During the past several years dozens of panels, commissions and other experts have made recommendations on how schools can become more effective. Continuing to improve America's schools is the key to the United States' future. Schools must make their plans for the future with an understanding of the key issues that will affect education.

A major responsibility of schools in the future will be to prepare students to enter a rapidly changing job market. American workers will need to be more highly trained than at present.

Schools will be responsible for preparing students who are adaptable, who are able to respond quickly to the changing requirements of new technologies. Schools will train both youngandadults; adult workers will need reeducation and retraining.

In the future, schools and business will need to work closely in anew business/education partnership.

Emphasis on such "traditional" academic subjects as reading, writing and mathematics will increase.

New technologies, such as computers, videodiscs and cable television will change the look of the "schoolroom." In the future, students may spend 1 or 2 days each week studying at home. Increased and well-planned use of these new learning technologies will enable machines and humans each to teach what they teach best.

Because of the additional responsibilities that will be imposed on teachers, they will archive greater status in society. In the future, they will be paid salaries that are comparable with other professionals. They will work in schools that offer continuing opportunities for professional advancement and training. As a result, education will once again attract the nation's brightest and most qualified students.


Read the text and say:

a) what changes the Americans are planning to introduce in their schools;

b) which of the changes you would like to introduce in our educational system.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1410 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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