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Child psychology determines teaching methods

(From "Invitation to Psychology" by J. Houston, H. Bee, D.C. Rimm)

A knowledge of the child is the most fundamental and important of the teacher's preparation. Many teachers with thorough knowledge of their subjects fail because they do not understand the boys and girls who are to be taught. Many assume that children are like plastic clay and can be moulded at the will of the teacher. Any observing parent or any intelligent teacher of experience knows better. Boys and girls are not passive lumps of clay; they are living, pulsating, developing, mysterious beings who must be studied and understood before they can be taught in the true sense.

We have come to realize that the most difficult factor in education to understand is the mind of the child to be taught. A knowledge of children's minds and the way they work is certain to convince one that in order to teach efficiently we must get the child's point of view. Many well-conceived aims in education do not bear fruit, simply because the teacher does not understand the workings of children's minds. The teaching is done in terms of adult thinking and means nothing to the child. The 'child's mind understands concrete things rather than abstractions. We must appeal to the child through his everyday experiences and on the plane of his stage of development. Instead of beginning with definitions, abstract principles and laws, the meanings of the things should first be made clear. Otherwise the statements are empty words. Every concept should have its concrete examples to which the mind can turn for illustrations at any time. Instruction of children should begin with experiences personally familiar to the particular children, and make the teaching radiate from those. The teacher's knowledge should be broad and thorough that if the pupils cannot understand one illustration, others can be given immediately. In addition to the knowledge of formal subjects the teacher should know their relation to the life outside the classroom, so the pupils must see the significance of the things they do at school.


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Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2033 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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