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Creating culture

We have mentioned on several occasions the emergent qualities of human culture. We may speak in general terms about the features of a culture or we may compare cultural similarities in different societies. However, in living societies culture is a dynamic, evolving, feature of human life. The culture of a particular people may change because the invironment changes. Arid conditions may cause groups to migrate and adopt new agricultural practices.The many ice ages have almost certainly brought an end to some cultures and produced dramatic changes in others.

A particularly important source of cultural change is the ability humans have to react to the product of their own handiwork. We invent something, use it, think about it, and then create a new, more desired version. Consider how rapidly our culture has changed in the area of our travel: from folk table to the designs of Leonardo De Vinci. This escalation of technology occurs for many reasons including a strong societal emphasis on technical education and willingness to devote societal resourses. In sience and technology as in other areas, every goal attained becomes the stepping stone for the next possibility. Language is the crucial ingredient in this process of cultural development. Specialty languages are created by various academic disciplines to explain their latest insights in understanding the natural world. The various sciences also develop by creating new instruments to more precisely measure, and analyse some new facets of nature. We learn more by creating the space telescope or creating the technology for genetic surgery. In every instance the new techniques are accompanied by new concepts that link new developments in science. Karl Mannheim worked on the sociology of knowledge. Since then several social theorists have studied the social aspect of knowledge creation. Language exists in human social activity. Scientists are not “finding something that is out there.” They are creating a new way of understanding some particular aspect of existence. Whether in medicine or biology, well-organized groups create new knowledge. If you wish to become a socioligist, you will be systematically initiated into the language appropriate to the study of human society. Consider for a minute the unfolding of knowledge in sociology or any other discipline. For example, the textbook used in college classes in physics, biology, psychology, or sociology have dramatically changed since 1930 or 1970. Scientific research is only one example of organized interest groups that are rewarded for their new cultural creations. Other groups attempt new cultural creations, often for economic reasons. As the twenty-first century begins, many individuals are eagerly trying to locate new forms of business opportunity that can operate on the Internet. Others are involved in creating new fashions in art, clothing, music, or popular culture. Imagine how much money was made from their manufacture and sales. The latest new rock star is also culturally created. To ” break in” one needs some level of talent and perhaps a new sound or idea, but this alone is not enough. You also need economic backing to help you produce and market your new sound. Much money is invested before the new entertainer finds his or her work on the Top 20 charts.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 243 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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