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Nonverbal communication

Languages are often preserved in their written forms, and in some cases the written form has contributed to the continuity of the culture. Due to geographic isolation, migration, conquests, and other factors, very different spoken dialects have developed all over China. People in different parts of China may be unable to understand the dialect of a person from a different province, but both can read the written language. This has united and provided continuity to a widespread and diverse population. People communicate in many different ways other than spoken language – for example, with the clothing they wear; the way they present or move their bodies; facial gestures, such as grimaces or smiles; and synthetic odors, such as aftershave, lotion, or perfume. Most societies develop distinct meaning or uses for various physical gestures. Giving someone “the finger” in one society may mean something quite the opposite in another. In some cultures, you may only shake hands or handle food with the right hand; in earlier generations, the left hand was regularly used in lieu of toilet paper. In some cultures, showing the soles of your feet or crossing your legs would be an insult. A loud belch, considered impolite in the presence of others in the United States, would be an appropriate expression of appreciation for a meal in other cultures. Many societies have informal, deeply rooted understanding of desirable ways to relate to other people. A high value is placed on group integration and conformity. A folkway is an approved form of behavior that is important but not usually accompanied by formal sanctions, for example, fines, if the practice is violated. If you use the wrong fork at a formal dinner, people will notice but there will be no overt punishment. If you drive too fast, this violation may lead to traffic fines – you have violated a more. Mores are norms that involve sanctions for violators. Public humiliation in a society where “saving face” is considered important can be devastating. In China, you should go out of your way to avoid embarrassing people – to help them save face. The loss of face is particularly devastating in front of large crowds of acquaintances. During the Chinise Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, singling out the individual for public humiliation sometimes led to the person committing suicide.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 341 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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