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Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with prepositions from the box below

Microbiological culture is the primary method used for isolating infectious disease for study _______the laboratory. Tissue or fluid samples are tested for the presence of a specific pathogen, which is determined _______ growth in a selective or differential medium.

The 3 main types of media used for testing are:

o) Solid culture: A solid surface is created using a mixture of nutrients, salts and agar (a thickening agent (E406). A single microbe on an agar plate can then grow into colonies (clones where cells are identical to each other) containing thousands ________ cells. These are primarily used bacteria and fungi.

p) Liquid culture: Cells are grown inside a liquid media. Microbial growth is determined by the time taken for the liquid to form a colloidal suspension. This technique is used _________ diagnosing parasites and detecting mycobacteria.

q) Cell Culture: Human or animal cell cultures are infected with the microbe of interest. These cultures are then observed to determine the effect this new microbe has _______ the cell. This technique is used for identifying viruses.

for; in; by; on; of

*Find the answers to the following questions:

b) In what cases is the microbiological culture used?

c) What materials are usually tested?

d) What types of media are used for testing?

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 629 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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