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Personal Pronouns

(before verbs as subjects) (after verbs as objects) (followed by nouns)
I Me My
You You Your
He Him His
She Her Her
It It Its
We Us Our
They Them Their

Exercise 10. Choose the suitable pronoun or possessive adjective for each gap:

a) (I/me) often see (him/his) at the university.

b) (She/her) doesn’t live with (she/her) parents.

c) (He/Him) looks like (his/him) father.

d) Do (you/your) know (my/me) brother?

e) (They/them) invited (our/us) to the party.

f) (We/us) like the car, (it/its) colour is too bright.

g) Where does (their/them) sister live?

h) (I/my) don’t like (him/his).

The Verb “To Be”

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
Единственное число (singular) 1-е лицо I am 2-е лицо You are 3-е лицо He is She is It is I was You were He was She was It was I will be You will be He will be She will be It will be
Множественное число (plural) 1-е лицо We are 2-е лицо You are 3-е лицо They are We were You were They were We will be You will be They will be

Exercise 11. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

a) They are in the classroom.

b) He is a student.

c) I am at home.

d) They were busy two hours ago.

e) He was here in the morning.

f) She will be back soon.

Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. She was in the dissecting room yesterday.

2. They will be happy to see you tomorrow.

3. She is at home now.

4. They were in Odessa last summer.

5. He is at the blackboard.

6. You are right.

7. I will be there soon.

8. He was in the library yesterday morning.

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb “to be”:

1) Ann …in class 10 minutes ago.

2) We …in class now.

3) They … at home tonight.

4) … he at work now?

5) Who … here tomorrow?

6) When … you busy?

7) How old …her father at that time?

8) Who …in London 5 years ago?

Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions:

1. They will have classes … different subjects during their first year at the university.

2. … the end of each term students take module controls …most subjects.

3. Thousands of young people … the world enter medical schools every year.

4. They didn’t have time to get ready … their exam.

5. Studying medicine can lead … career as a doctor.

6. Traditionally the course structure is divided …the pre-clinical and clinical parts.

Exercise 15. Write a short personal statement (5-6 sentences) about your reasons for choosing medicine as a future profession.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

  1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 1) клінічний курс 2) відвідувати лекції 3) відвідувати анатомічний театр 4) вищий учбовий заклад 5) здобувати глибокі знання 6) навчальний рік 7) акушерство та педіатрія 8) хірургія та анестезіологія 9) випускники медичних учбових закладів 10)мати професію лікаря 2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What careers can studying medicine lead to? 2. What do medical schools teach? 3. What does the pre-clinical part of medical education include? 4. What does the clinical part of medical education include? 5.How many terms is each academic year divided into? 3. Поясніть наступні терміни у 5ти реченнях: 1. студент медик 2. медичний університет 3. учбовий рік  


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation

profile [prou’fail] lose [lu:z]

senior [‘si:niә] chance [t∫a:ns]

language [‘læŋgwid3] taught [to:t]

quality [‘kwoliti]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary

to provide забезпечувати

school leavers випускники школи

applicant абітуріент

capable здатний

to attend відвідувати (лекції, школу и т.п.)

skill навички, уміння

on smb.’s own самостійно

senior student старшокурсник

graduating from the university закінчення университету

to obtain отримати

Exercise 3. Find the equivalent

Competently educated зовнішнє тестування

Quality dental care професійні навички

External testing добре освічений

Professional skills обов’язкові предмети

Required subjects кваліфіковане стоматологічне обслуговування

Exercise 4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations

State clinics, basic biological sciences, the term of training, quality dental care, all

segments of the population, competently educated in clinical sciences, the goal of dental educational program, to develop professional skills, after graduating from the university, the external testing in biology, to obtain less than 124 points, to diagnose diseases on their own

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use of Infinitive

The goal of all medical university programs is to produce highly qualified specialists.

The term of training to become a dentist is 5 years.

To enter the medical university the applicants are required to take External Testing in Ukrainian, chemistry, and biology.

All medical universities try to modify their programs to achieve a better correlation between the basic and clinical subjects.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 501 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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