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Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations

Medical mud, a boundless azure of the sea, for treatment of various conditions cloudless weather, to prevail, the huge number of, the most favourable, the city’s environs, mysterious caves, to be enchanted, holiday- makers, on the slopes of mountains, settlement, competition, modern infrastructure, an important event.

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Климатический и бальнеологический курорт; обильный; пропитанный ароматом цветов; влажный; средняя температура; продолжительность; океаническая глубина; самый молодой; особенность; впадать (в море); чайка; щедро награждать; абсолютно чистая вода; вечные снега; вековые дубы; реликтовые леса и рощи; отдыхающие; садоводство; гордиться; привлекать посетителей; современники; спортивное оборудование; спортивные сооружения; ежегодный форум; в соответствии с чем-либо.

Match the words from the column A with their definitions from the column B.


1) resort a) the activity of visiting interesting buildings and

places as a tourist;

2) treatment b) the state of smb’s health or how fit they are;

3) recreation c) a place where a lot of people go on holiday;

4) settlement d) buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are

provided for a particular purpose;

5) infrastructure e) a belief, custom or way of doing smth that has

existed for a long time;

6) condition f) smth that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to

make smb look and feel good;

7) particularity g) the fact of people doing things for enjoyment,

when they are not working;

8) tradition h) the quality of being individual or unique;

9) sightseeing i) the basic systems and services that are necessary

for a country or organization to run smoothly, e.g.

buildings, transport and water and power supplies;

10) facilities j) a place where people have come to live and make

their homes, especially where few or no people lived


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