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Agree or disagree with the following statements using appropriate phrases

1. The adults have at last discovered that the boy scouts have been on to a bad thing all these years.

2. For a modest outlay, you have a comfortable, insulated tent.

3. The portable furniture is light and comfortable.

4. You see, camping hasn't so much to offer.

5. For a large sum you can enjoy comforts which few hotels can provide.

6. Low-cost holidays make camping an attractive proposition.

7. And there is sheer fun of it — especially if you haven't a family.

8. You are active all the time and you are always close to nature.

9. Nothing is nice and peaceful.

10. Camping provides you with a real change for everyday life.

Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1) The adults have... last discovered that the boy scouts have been......a good

thing all these years. 2) No wonder the great rush is.... 3) You have none... the headaches... advance hotel booking or driving... and... a city looking... a room. 4) Modern camp sites are well-equipped... hot and cold running water. 5) It's so exciting to arrive... a camp site, put... your tent and start getting a meal ready. 6) I've never suspected that you are so keen...hiking. 7) Have you decided where to go... your summer holiday? 8) Besides it poured... rain for 3 days running. 9) We camped... the foot... some hills. 10) A hiking holiday depends... enjoyment... the weather.

Give the detailed retelling of the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1113 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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