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Read the dialogue and act it

John: Mary, I’d like you to meet Oleg. Mary Smith. Oleg Danilov.

Mary: How do you do?

Oleg: Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you.

John: Oleg is a friend of Frank's. He arrived in New York couple of weeks ago.

Mary: Oh, where are you from?

Oleg: I’m from Moscow.

Mary: Moscow, Russia? You know, in America there are several towns named

Moscow. Are you an immigrant or are you just visiting relatives?

Oleg: I’m going to stay for good. It took me eight years to get my exit visa.

John: Excuse me. There are the Millers. I must say hello to them.

M: How do you like America?

O: I like it very much here. But for the time being, I've got a lot of problems.

M: Have you come with your family?

O: Yes, I have. With mу wife and my son.

M: What are your most urgent problems?

O: First of all, I've to get a job.

M: What's your occupation?

O: I’m an economist. My wife is а draftsperson.

M: Maybe I can help you to find a job with an employment agency. Here is my card. Call me on Tuesday morning if it's convenient for you.

O: What's the best time to call you?

M: After 10 AM.

O: Thank you so much. I will certainly call.

M: Your English sounds fine.

O: Americans usually say that they are just polite.

M: We want to encourage you. You explain things pretty well. You are going

to make it.

O: Thank you. You are very kind.

M: It’s getting late. I guess you don't have a car yet. I’d be glad to give you a ride.

O: I’d appreciate it very much.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 439 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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