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Answer the following questions

1. What is your name (surname, patronymic)?

2. When is your birthday?

3. Where were you born?

4. How old are you?

5. Are you married?

6. Have you got a family of your own?

7. Is your family large or small?

8. How many persons does it consist of?

9. What relations do you have in your family?

10. What are your parents?

11. How long have your parents been married?

12. Do they have much in common?

13. What is your father’s hobby?

14. Can you describe your mother?

15. Who do you most take after, your mother or your father?

16. Who are you like in character?

17. Who do you look like?

18. Are you the only child in the family?

19. Is your sister (brother) younger or older than you?

20. What is your sister’s (brother’s) occupation?

21. Can you describe your sister’s (brother’s) appearance and character?

22. Who runs the house in your family?

23. What are your household duties?

24. Do you help your mother to keep the house?

25. Have you got grandparents?

26. Have you got any other close relatives? What about your distant relatives?

27. Do you often see them?

28. Where do you live?

29. Do you spend your week-ends together with your parents?

30. Do you work? Where?

31. How well did you do at school?

32. When did you leave school?

33. Do you like to read? Who is your favourite writer?

34. Do you go in for sport?

35. What are you fond of?

4. Ask your groupmate:

when she/he was born;

where she/he is from;

if she/he is single;

if she/he is going to marry;

when she/he entered the University;

if she/he works much or little at the University;

if she/he has got brothers or sisters;

how old they are;

how his/her mother looks like;

if his/her grandparents are alive;

if she/he lives together with his/her parents or in a hostel;

if she/he spends much time with his/her relatives.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 804 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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