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Being a judge

It is game. You are a judge. This is a list of crimes:

- a person drives at 150 kilometers an hour;

- a person murders a policeman during a robbery;

- a person smokes marijuana;

- a person steals money from a bank;

- a person shop-lifts;

- a person sells drugs (heroin);

- a person makes false money;

- a person drinks and drives.

Study the crimes and give these people sentences. If you don’t know the law for every crime, give your own idea. You must think well. Don’t make the punishment harder than the crime.

XI. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям английские шутки:

One morning the king stoops down over the basin to wash his face. The jester can’t stand the temptation and kicks the king. It is an inexcusable insult. The king gets furious and orders to execute the jester. A few minutes before the execution the king feels sorry for the jester and tells him that he will pardon him if he makes such an excuse that will be more impudent than the insult itself. The jester thinks a little and says, “I’m sorry, Your Majesty! But I thought it was the queen”.


The jester can’t stand the temptation… – (зд.) Шут не может противостоять соблазну…

to kick smb – ударить кого-либо ногой

an inexcusable insult – непростительное оскорбление

to get furious – прийти в ярость

to execute smb – казнить кого-либо

execution – казнь

to pardon smb – помиловать кого-либо

impudent – наглый, нахальный

Your Majesty! – Ваше Величество! (обращение к королю)

* * *

Believe it or not, but…

… in Oklahoma, USA, the judge may sentence you to prison if you tease a dog.

… in Alaska it is illegal to throw a living deer out of a flying plane.

… in Connecticut it is illegal to cross the street on your hands.

… in Florida there is a law which forbids unmarried women to jump with a parachute on Sundays otherwise the police may arrest them, fine them or the judge may send them to prison.


to tease – дразнить

a living deer – живой олень

to forbid – запрещать

an unmarried woman – незамужняя женщина

otherwise – иначе, в противном случае

* * *

“Why are you in prison?”

“Just imagine! It turns out one day that the state manufactures the same banknotes as I do!”


Just imagine! – Только представьте себе!

It turns out one day… - (зд.) в один прекрасный день выясняется…


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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