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Bamboo flooring

There are many types of flooring available for people to choose from when they’re considering redoing their floors. Some of the more popular flooring options include carpeting, tiles, laminate, or traditional hardwood. Most professionals agree that bamboo flooring is some of the best flooring out there.

Bamboo is an incredibly strong wood. It is naturally tough when it grows wild no matter what soil it is grown in. The fact that the bamboo always undergoes further strengthening usually in a company's factory before it is shipped out to be used as flooring ensures that you have a very strong, durable wood. It is even stronger than oak.

Bamboo is technically a grass and grows extremely quickly compared to any other type of wood. In fact, it takes a bamboo tree only 3 years to reach full maturity while with most other trees, it is twice as or three times as long. It means that bamboo can be replaced much more easily, making its use better for the environment.

Unfortunately, there are currently no official certification standards for bamboo flooring. That means that quality or hardness of the bamboo flooring can actually vary, depending on the producing company.

Bamboo floors can be easy to scratch or dent if they are damaged by heavy furniture that is moved or jolted. Many people with rowdy children choose not to get bamboo flooring because children tend to be hard on floors.

Under direct sunlight, bamboo loses its colour easily especially if it is in naturally-lit rooms. That means it is better to use it in darker rooms where direct exposure to sunlight is kept at a minimum, which may not be an option for some people.

22 Topics for projects and presentations:

1. Types of subfloor construction.

2. Floating floor.

3. Floor vibration.

4. Underfloor heating.

5. Modern tendency: glass floor.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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