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Analyze Figure 11.5. and say in what case a suspended concrete structure is possible/ impossible to build and explain your choice

19 Read the questions people ask specialists from Peter Cox and suggest your own answers:

Peter Cox - UK Market Leaders in the repair and preservation of properties. Peter Cox, established in 1951 with almost 60 years experience in providing a range of property services, has built an enviable reputation as the market leader in the repair and preservation of all types of property from private housing to historic buildings.

1. My ground floor is suspended timber. When it rains the area below the floor fills with water. What do you suggest?

2. How to deal with damp in concrete floor?

3. My house is over 100 years and sweats. This causes mould and rotting floors and walls. How do I stop this?

4. When wood turns black, what does this mean?

5. I have fungi growing under the laminated flooring under the sink area in the kitchen. The fungi developed after the washing machine leak. The fungi is pasta type color in different sizes. Is this dangerous? What can I use to clear it?

6. What happens if I puncture the floor membrane?

7. Is the only fix for water pressure under my basement concrete floor new footer tiles?

8. Removed carpet, bare sub floor gets damp when humidity is up or it rains. No water lines run under it. It's about a foot away from any wall.

20 a) Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 462 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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