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Exercise 4. Transmit the numbers them up

Transmit the numbers them up.

Heading 060, heading 310, heading 273, FL 50, FL 240, FL 330, FL 100,

FL 150, FL 300, FL 310, frequency 132.0, frequency 119.7, frequency 129.1,

QNH 986 hPa, QNH 1013 hPa, QFE 748 mm, QFE 732.2 mm, RVR 600 m,

RVR 1200 m, rate of descent 5 m/s, ground speed 750 km/h, airspeed 700 km/h, squawk 7700, squawk 5555, squawk 6500.

Exercise 5

Work in pairs. Read and copy the numbers, then check.



Exercise 1

Study the following words.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Всемирное скоординированное время

local time местное время

Z (zulu time) среднее гринвическое время, среднее время по Гринвичу

Exercise 2

Study the following.

When transmitting time, only the minutes of the hour are normally required. However, the hour should be included if there is any possibility of confusion. Time checks shall be given to the nearest minute. Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is to be used at all times, unless specified. 24.00 hours designates midnight, the end of the day, and 0000 hours the beginning of the day.

Time Transmitted as
  Two Three or Zero Eight Two Three
  One Three Zero Zero
  Five Seven or Two Zero Five Seven

Exercise 3

Transmit the time.

1645 UTC 0630 Z 1000 local time
1030 UTC 1154 Z 0715 local time
1545 UTC 0320 Z 2348 Kiev time
2355 UTC 0735 Z 1400 Kiev time
0810 UTC 1150 Z 1514 local time


Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 261 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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