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Another room or another floor. Can you disconnect all these tubes so we can

wheel the bed out?"

13 The nurse said, "That's ridiculous. We have to get permission from the


14 Michael spoke very quickly. "You've read about my father in the papers.

You've seen that there's no one here tonight to guard him. Now I've just gotten

Word some men will come into the hospital to kill him. Please believe me and help

me." He could be extraordinarily persuasive when he wanted to be.

15 The nurse said, "We don't have to disconnect the tubes. We can wheel the

stand with the bed."

16 "Do you have an empty room?" Michael whispered.

17 "At the end of the hall," the nurse said.

It was done in a matter of moments, very quickly and very efficiently. Then

Michael said to the nurse, "Stay here with him until help comes. If you're outside

at your station you might get hurt."

19 At that moment he heard his father's voice from the bed, hoarse but full of

strength, "Michael, is it you? What happened, what is it?"

20 Michael leaned over the bed. He took his father's hand in his. "It's Mike," he

said. "Don't be afraid. Now listen, don't make any noise at all, especially if

somebody calls out your name. Some people want to kill you, understand? But

I'm here so don't be afraid."

Don Corleone, still not fully conscious of what had happened to him the day

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 277 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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