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After he passed the bar exam, Hagen married to start his own family. The bride

Was a young Italian girl from New Jersey, rare at that time for being a college

Graduate. After the wedding, which was of course held in the home of Don

Corleone, the Don offered to support Hagen in any undertaking he desired, to

Send him law clients, furnish his office, start him in real estate.

2 Tom Hagen had bowed his head and said to the Don, "I would like to work for


3 The Don was surprised, yet pleased. "You know who I am?" he asked.

4 Hagen nodded. He hadn't really known the extent of the Don's power, not then.

He did not really know in the ten years that followed until he was made the acting

Consigliori after Genco Abbandando became ill. But he nodded and met the

Don's eyes with his own. "I would work for you like your sons," Hagen said,

meaning with complete loyalty, with complete acceptance of the Don's parental

Divinity. The Don, with that understanding which was even then building the

Legend of his greatness, showed the young man the first mark of fatherly

Affection since he had come into his household. He took Hagen into his arms for

A quick embrace and afterward treated him more like a true son, though he would

sometimes say, "Tom, never forget your parents," as if he were reminding himself

As well as Hagen.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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