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She was not imaginative enough and her lessons were a little bit dull

I liked my class. I always felt at home there. Everybody was so friendly and easy to get along with. I was on good terms with my classmates and we often spent our free time together.


specialized ['spejalaizd] school специализированная high-quality высокого качества

Школа strict строгий

discipline ['disiplin] дисциплина

well-equipped [,weh'kwipt] хорошо оборудованный

gym [d3im] спортивный зал

canteen [kaen'tiin] столовая

Workshops мастерские

assembly [a'sembli] hall а ктовый зал

home economics [^ka'nomiks] room кабинет


Computer class компьютерный класс

Language laboratory лингафонный кабинет

physics ['fiziks] физика

chemistry ['kemistri] химия

biology [bai'olad3i] биология

To sit up засиживаться допоздна, не ложиться

Спать, бодрствовать

Composition сочинение

report [n'po:t] доклад

Right away сразу же

Out-of-class внеклассный

social f'saujl] общественный

orchestra f'o:kistra] оркестр

choir f'kwaia] хор

Arts club художественный кружок

International Friendship Club Клуб интернацио-

Нальной дружбы

drama ['dra:ma] club драмкружок

geography [d3ftgrafi] география

physical education [,fizikal edju'kei/n] физкультура

Information Technology [tek'nobdji] информатика

to dramatize f'draemataiz] инсценировать

to debate [di'beit] проводить дебаты, спорить,


To set up a role play проводить ролевую игру

formula ['fcxmjula] формула

term [torn] термин

properly ['propali] как следует

serious ['siariasj серьезный

academic [,aka'demik] академичный, оторванный

От практики

imaginative [i'msedjinativ] изобретательный

dull [dAl] скучный

To get along with ладить

To be on good terms with быть в хороших



1. What kind of school did you go to?

2. Was your school well or poorly equipped?

3. Was the quality of teaching high?

4. Did you have any problems with discipline?

5. How many lessons a day did you have?

6. Did you spend much time on your homework?

7. What was your favourite subject?

8. Were there any subjects you were bad at?

9. Were you taught computer skills?

10. What subjects do you think should be studied at school?

11. Did you take part in any out-of-class activities?

12. Were you on good terms with your teachers?

13. Did you get along with your classmates?


One day my friend Nick and I decided to go shopping. I took my salary and Nick took his father's salary. Nick needed some new clothes badly. There are a lot of shops, supermarkets and department stores in the centre of the city, so we decided to go through some of them.

The first shop on our way was a large supermarket. The choice of goods was very impressive. It seemed to us that on the counters and shelves there was everything one could want. We could see sausages of different kinds, fish, meat, poultry. At the bakery there was bread, rolls, buscuits. At the dairy department there was milk, cream, cheese, butter. Everything was nicely packed and when we came to the cashier our baskets were full.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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