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1. It was not easy to find the (losing, lost) key.
2. I will show you the car (buying, bought) by my brother yesterday.
3. Do you know the man (fixing, fixed) our car?
4. The car (washing, washed) at the service station was bright and clean.
5. I picked up the key (lying, lain) on the floor.
6. Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
7. He watched the man (repairing, repaired) his vacuum cleaner.
8. They were at the conference (organizing, organized) by Moscow Technical University.
9. The young engineer (speaking, spoken) to our manager has just graduated from the University.
Unit 9
1. Прежде чем вы прочтете текст "Scotland", просмотрите следующие утверждения. Отметьте верные и неверные, на ваш взгляд, утверждения.
a. Scotland is a flat country.
b. The kilt is a Scottish national costume.
c. The famous lake Loch Ness is in Scotland.
d. Scotland has its own parliament.
e. Most people live in the Highlands.
f. Scotland is an important European centre for computer production.
2. Прочтите и переведите текст "Scotland"
Text 9
Scotland has not always been a part of the United Kingdom. The Scottish people had their own royal family and fought the English for centuries. In 1603, King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England and Scotland. He moved to London and Scotland lost its independence.
In 1707, Scotland formally became part of the UK when the government of Scotland moved to Westminster, in London. Scotland managed to keep its own legal and education systems. Scotland still has different marriage laws to England. Young couples in England must have their parents’ consent to get married if they are under 18, but in Scotland they can get married at the age of 16 without their parents’ consent.
Today, about half of Scottish people want Scotland to be completely independent. This means that they want Scotland to have its own parliament and to have its own representatives in the European Parliament.
Many Scottish names begin with “Mac” or “Mc”, which means “son of”. So the name “McDonald” means “son of Donald”. Each clan or family name has its own tartan. The tartan is a checked cloth used to make the kilt, Scotland’s national costume. Most people only wear their tartans for special occasions, like weddings and Burns’ Night.
Most of Scotland’s 5 million population lives in Edinburgh, Glasgow or Aberdeen, as this is where most of the jobs are. Scotland’s traditional industries such as coal, steel and shipbuilding have declined, but the government has invested a lot of money in Scotland to develop it as an important European centre for computer production. Many of the large American and Japanese electronics companies have set up factories in southern Scotland and there are now many smaller Scottish companies which specialize in computer equipment. People have even started to call the area “Silicon Glen” (Glen is the Scottish word for valley). However, most of the high-technology parts such as chips and disk drives are still imported.
North of Edinburgh and Glasgow are the Highlands of Scotland: mountains with few trees, many sheep, wild deer and golden eagles. The Highlanders, the original people of the area, were removed by force by the English after their defeat in the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Many emigrated to America and Canada. Even today, few people live in the Highlands. Most of them are farmers, although there is also a lot of forestry and fishing. Large areas of the Highlands are kept by rich people for salmon-fishing and deer-hunting. Most Scotch whiskies are also made in the Highlands.
The Inner and Outer Hebrides are remote islands with small fishing and farming communities. Some of the people still speak Gaelic, the ancient Celtic language of Scotland.
fight (fought) бороться, сражаться
manage удаваться
law закон
couple пара
consent согласие
representative представитель
tartan шотландка
checked клетчатый
cloth ткань
wear носить
occasion случай
coal уголь
decline снижаться, падать
equipment оборудование
sheep овца, pl. овцы
deer олень, pl. олени
eagle орел
force сила
defeat поражение
salmon лосось
Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 513 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!