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Текста на изученную грамматику. 1. Probably the most workable concept of small business isthe one suggested some years ago by the Committee for the Economic Development

1. Probably the most workable concept of small business is the one suggested some years ago by the Committee for the Economic Development.

2. To qualify as a small firm under its definition, a business must have at least two of the following characteristics.

3. Small businesses are considered to compete successfully against some of the nation’s largest organizations as well as against a multitude of other small companies.

4. They usually have fewer overhead costs – those not directly related to providing the goods and services – than to the large firms.

5. The lower overhead costs resulting from fewer permanent staff people can provide a distinct advantage to small businesses.

6. Big businesses are excluded from some commercial activities of their size.

7. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses are begun each year.

8. Inadequate financing is generally listed as a leading cause of small business problems.

9. They often lack the resources to expand if they are successful.

10. Many experts within and outside government believe that a major effort must be made to reduce the paperwork load for small business.

11. High overhead costs force them to set minimum targets at which to direct their competitive efforts.


Probably the most workable concept of small business is the one suggested some years ago by the Committee for the Economic Development. To qualify as a small firm under its definition, a business must have at least two of the following characteristics:

1. independent management with the managers often owing the firm,

2. capital contribution from a limited number of individuals – perhaps only one,

3. the firm operates in a local area,

4. the firm represents a small part of the overall industry.

Small businesses are in nearly every industry and they are considered to compete

successfully against some of the nation’s largest organizations as well as against a multitude of other small companies. Retailing and service establishments are the most common small businesses. Also new technology companies often start as small organizations.

Small firms can often provide a product or service more cheaply than large firms. They usually have fewer overhead costs –those not directly related to providing the goods and services – than to the large firms. Thus, they may be able to earn profit on a lower price than a large company can offer.

Small businesses have organizations with small staffs and fewer support personnel. The lower overhead costs resulting from fewer permanent staff people can provide a distinct advantage to small businesses.

Big businesses are excluded from some commercial activities of their size. High overhead costs force them to set minimum targets at which to direct their competitive efforts. This situation allows substantial opportunities for smaller publishers with lower overhead costs.

Finally, economic and organizational factors may dictate that an industry consists of small firms.

Smaller firms have a variety of disadvantages. These include poor management, inadequate financing, and government regulation.

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses are begun each year. Thirty percent fail within the first year, and half within two years. A great many of these failures can be attributed to poor management. Most people who start small businesses are ill-prepared as managers.

Inadequate financing is generally listed as a leading cause of small business problems. Many businesses start with inadequate capital and soon experience a shortage of funds. They often lack the resources to carry them over rough spots or to expand if they are successful.

Small businesses complain bitterly of excessive government regulation and red tape. Most of them are not equipped to handle the paperwork necessitated by government regulation. Many experts within and outside government believe that a major effort must be made to reduce the paperwork load for small business.

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