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1. One of the primary considerations when going into business is money.

2. A new business needs capital not only for ongoing expenses but also for purchasing necessary assets.

3. The money needed to start and continue operating a business is known to be a capital.

4. In general, finance is securing and utilizing capital to start up, operate, and expand a company.

5. To start up or begin business, a company needs funds to purchase essential assets.

6. Because of competition in the market, capital needs to be invested in developing new product line and production techniques and in acquiring assets for future expansion.

7. An individual uses long-term capital such as a bank loan to pay for a home or car – goods that will last for a long time.

8. A company seeks long term financing to pay for new assets that are expected to last many years.

9. In obtaining and using this capital, the decisions being made by managers affect the overall financial success of a company.


One of the primary considerations when going into business is money. Without sufficient funds a company cannot begin operations. The money needed to start and continue operating a business is known to be a capital. A new business needs capital not only for ongoing expenses but also for purchasing necessary assets. These assets – inventories, equipment, buildings and property – represent an investment of capital in the new business.

How this new company obtains and uses money will, in large measure, determine its success. The process of managing this acquired capital is known as financial management. In general, finance is securing and utilizing capital to start up, operate, and expand a company.

To start up or begin business, a company needs funds to purchase essential assets, support research and development, and buy materials for production. Capital is also needed for salaries, credit extension to customers, advertising, insurance, and many other day-to-day operations. In addition, financing is essential for growth and expansion of a company. Because of competition in the market, capital needs to be invested in developing new product line and production techniques and in acquiring assets for future expansion.

In financing business operations and expansion, a business uses both short-term and long-term capital. A company, much like an individual, utilizes short-term capital to pay for items that last a relatively short period of time. An individual uses credit cards or charge accounts for items such as clothing or food, while a company seeks short-term financing for salaries and office expenses. On the other hand, an individual uses long-term capital such as a bank loan to pay for a home or car – goods that will last for a long time. Similarly, a company seeks long term financing to pay for new assets that are expected to last many years.

When a company obtains capital from external sources, the financing can be either on a short-term or a long-term arrangement. Generally, short-term financing can be repaid in less than one year, while long-term financing can be repaid over a longer period of time.

Finance involves the securing of funds for all phases of business operations. In obtaining and using this capital, the decisions being made by managers affect the overall financial success of a company.

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