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Chose the correct form

1. A hang glider was developed/has been developed by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century.

2. The inner part of the wings was fixed/will be fixed in Leonardo’s design.

3. A model which was built/had been built in 1496 did not fly.

4. Only minor injuries were promised/are promised as the result of landing Burattini’s craft.

5. Accoding to the 18th century reports some experiments were done/had been done by Gusmao though there were no public tests.

6. The first fully-controlable flight took place/was taken place in the French Army.

7. When the altitude of 3,000 meters was achieved/is achieved the passenger suffered extreme pain in his ears.

Think of the infinitive forms you studied earlier, find them in the text and fill in the table.

Indefinite Active Indefinite Passive Perfect Active Perfect Passive

2.13 What Infinitive construction is used in the following sentence – Complex Object or Complex Subject?

His "Dragon Volant" is considered to be «the most elaborate and sophisticated aeroplane built before the 19th century".

Choose the best variant of the translation of the underlined part..

1. According to contemporary reports, however, Gusmão appeared to have made several less ambitious experiments with this machine.

a. … по-видимому, Гусмао проделал несколько менее претенциозных экспериментов…

b. … Гусмао появился, выполнив несколько менее претенциозных экспериментов…

с. … появилось несколько менее претенциозных экспериментов Гусмао …

2. Burattini ’s model aircraft was said to have successfully lifted a cat in 1648 but not Burattini himself.

a. Бураттини сказал, что он успешно поднял кота в модели воздушного судна…

b. Говорили, что модель воздушного судна Бураттини успешно подняла кота …

c. Кот был успешно поднят в модели воздушного судна Бураттини…

3. The first powered, controlled, sustained lighter-than-air flight is believed to have taken place in 1852.

a. Считается, что первый продолжительный полет на аппарате легче воздуха с двигателем состоялся в 1852.

b. Люди верят, что первый продолжительный полет на аппарате легче воздуха с двигателем состоялся в 1852.

c. В 1852 поверили, что первый продолжительный полет на аппарате легче воздуха с двигателем уже состоялся.


2.15 Characterize the stages of aviation development described in text 2.4 using the following words:

heavier-than-air, unmanned, gliders, aircrafts, powered, experiments, controlled flights, balloons.

2.16 Make a dialogue. Variant 1 – between an Italian inventor, Tito Livio Burattini and his assistant. Student A is an Italian inventor, Tito Livio Burattini and student B is his assistant.

Student A: Tito Livio Burattini explains his assistant what he plans to construct, what for, the details of the construction and his doubts about the ways of testing it.

Student B: An Assistant asks about the details of the construction and offers to use a cat for testing it.

Variant 2 – between two adventurous young men.

Student A offers to construct a lighter-than-air aircraft and cover 25 kilometers.

Student B prefers to set a record and fly more than other balloons did. He gives some examples. He also suggests to fly a motor powered balloon.

Unit 3

In this unit you will:

Read Talk about Test your Practice about the inventors of the 19-20th centuries the most important stages in the development of aviation knowledge of the finite verb forms in the Passive Voice and the Infinitive forms taking and giving interviews


abandon (v) advance (n) amateur (n) angle (n) boiler (n) cause (v) claim (n) deliver (v) disconcert (v) divergence (n) doom (v) effort (n) enormous (adj) expand (v) eventually (adv) ever-better (adj) gust (n) hang glider (n) instant (adj) lateral (adj) longitudinal (adj) pitch up (v) power settings promote (v) ramp (n) restrain (v) rigorously rotary (adj) roughly (adv) stall (v) wingspan (n) отказаться от успех любитель, непрофессионал угол паровой котел вызывать заявление вырабатывать расстраивать, приводить в замешательство отклонение обрекать попытка, усилие огромный расширять в конце концов постоянно улучшающийся порыв (ветра) дельтаплан, дельтапланерист мгновенный горизонтальный, боковой продольный кабрировать (нос воздушного судна поднимается кверху) установка мощности (двигателя) продвигать, способствовать наклонная плоскость ограничить скрупулезно вращательный, ротационный приблизительно сваливаться на крыло размах крыла

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