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Complete each sentence with the verb in the correct form .(think, be, fail, know, leave)

1. A: Who was the man we saw with Anna yesterday?

B: I am not sure. It may … her brother.

2. A: Do you have an idea for the design?

B: No, not yet. Simon may … of one.

3. A: I was surprised that Kate wasn’t at the trial test yesterday.

B: She might not … about it.

4. A: I can’t find my ruler anywhere.

B: You might …it in the workshop.

5. A: I wonder why David was in such a bad mood yesterday.

B: His experiment might ….

1.18. Study this example situation:

Henry is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but:

It is said that he is 108 years old.

Or He is said to be 108 years old.

Both these sentences mean: “People say that he is 108 years old.”

You can use these structures with a number of other verbs: believe, consider, expect, know, report, think, understand, etc.

1.19. Choose the correct translation of the underlined part.

1. In the 9th century, at the age of 65, the Berber Ibn Firnas is said to have flown from the hill Jabal al-‘arus by employing a rudimentary glider.

a) …говорят, что Ибн Фирнас слетел с холма Джабал ал-арус используя элементарный планер.

b) … Ибн Фирнас заявил, что он слетел с холма Джабал ал-арус используя элементарный планер.

c) … про Ибн Фирнаса рассказывали, что он слетел с холма Джабал ал-арус используя элементарный планер.

2. The invention of the proto hot air balloon is usually attributed to the general Zhuge Liang (180–234 AD), who is said to have used them to scare the enemy troops.

a)… который сказал, что использовал их, чтобы напугать войска противника.

b) … про которого говорят, что он использовал их, чтобы напугать войска противника.

c) … который говорил, что должен использовать их, чтобы напугать войска противника.


1.16. Make a dialogue. Variant 1 – between the general Zhuge Liang and a soldier. Student A is the general, and student B is his soldier.

Student A: The general wants to scare the enemy.

Student B: The soldier suggests using an oil lamp in a paper bag.

Make a dialogue. Variant 2 – between a warrior Wang Mang and a specialist. Student A is a warrior Wang Mang, and student B is a specialist.

Student A: Wang Mang wants to know the number of the enemy soldiers, their location, their armaments (weapon, equipment) and so on.

Student B: A specialist has an idea of flying like a bird over the enemies troops.

A. Fill in the table using the information from Text B

The country People Invention/Device Date

B. Divide into groups. Surf the Internet to find and add more details into the table, then each group prepare a report on one of the inventions mentioned above.(in the table)

Unit 2

In this unit you will:

Read Talk about Test your Practice about medieval inventors of flying devices flying devices structures knowledge of the active and passive forms of the verb and the infinitive word-building, asking and responding within the topic


advent (n) altitude (n) ascend (v) combustion (n) condemn (v) contemporary (adj) copper (n) deem (v) drift (v) elaborate (adj) flaw (n) foil (n) frail (adj) launch (v) зд. появление высота подниматься сгорание осуждать зд. того времени медь полагать, считать перемещаться по ветру сложный недостаток фольга хрупкий запускать propel (v) rage (n) screw (n) severe (adj) sophisticated (adj) steam (n) steer (v) suffer (v) surface (n) sustained (adj) tethered (adj) tip (n) watershed (n) продвигать вперед ярость винт, шуруп суровый сложный пар управлять с помощью руля страдать поверхность длительный, непрерывный привязанный кончик водораздел

Before you read

2.1 Read and translate the following international words and check their pronunciation in the dictionary:

aerodynamic criminal dirigible extremely hydrogen principle Renaissance   routine sketchy sporadic

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