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According to a recent report, in Britain girls are overtaking boys at school. They are even beating them in subjects such as science and maths, which people used to think were subjects that boys were naturally better at. Surveys show there could be several reasons for this. Boys and girls behave very differently from each other both in and out of school.

In school, statistics show boys mess about more and get into trouble more. Admittedly, they put up their hand to answer questions more but they often have the wrong answer. The girls who were interviewed said they often knew the correct answer but didn't like to put up their hand if they weren't absolutely sure. The survey also showed girls spent much longer doing homework and check­ing it with each other. Boys may argue that these things do not make girls more intelligent than boys and in some boys' opinions may even make many girls look like swots. However, these things do show that girls have a different attitude to school than boys. Girls are becoming much more competitive and ambitious.

Experts believe that some boys are spending so much time playing computer games and watching violent films that they are living in a fantasy world. When girls talk about using home computers, they often discuss different types of software that they use for learning. Boys simply talk about computer games. When 14-year-old girls were asked what they would like to do in the future, they mentioned realistic jobs such as vet, teacher or doctor. The boys' answers were either very vague such as, "I just want to be happy and have lots of money" or unrealistic and they said things such as, "I want to be a fighter pilot." Their answers were considered worry­
ing because they did not seem very sensible and did not show any concern about unemployment. However, some people might be­lieve that 14 is too young to worry anyhow. Also, the truth is that the majority of "top jobs" in England are still done by men so many might not see the need to worry. The good news is that after the age of 17, many boys become interested in school again and their exam results show that they have caught up. The problem is just keeping them interested until then...

A lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing for addicts of the Internet. Information is becoming the drug of the new century.

The research, conducted among 1000 managers in Britain, America, Europe and the Far East shows that, as information sources such as the Internet and cable news channels proliferate, we are witnessing the rise of a generation of dataholics.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 361 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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