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Вставьте артикль, где необходимо и переведите предложения. 4. Where is refrigerator in your

1.She has … child.

2. My... mother is at... home. She is reading... interesting... book.

3. There is no... tea in my... friend's... glass. His... glass is empty.

4. Where is... refrigerator in your... kitchen? - It is in... corner of... kitchen.

5. He sat down at... table, called... waiter and ordered... mushrooms. But... Frenchman did not know... Swedish and... waiter did not know... French.

Задание 2.

Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из местоимений, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения.

1. They have... from my grandmother. (nothing, anything)

2. We haven't... black stockings. (no, any)

3. “They have … red boots, Kate”. (any, no)

Задание 3.

Раскроете скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из времен, укажите его и переведите предложения:

1. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 2. You (to read) this book? - Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 3. What the children (to do) now? - Oh, they (to play) a new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday. 4. If you (to help) me tomorrow, I (to do) this work well. 5. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 6. You (to read) this book? - Yes, I (to read) it tomorrow. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 7. What the children (to do) now? - Oh, they (to play) a new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday.

Задание 4.

Выпишите модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты, причастия настоящего времени, указывая от каких глаголов они образованы, и переведите предложения.

1. He isn't waiting for us. 2. She cannot do this work. 3. Are you speaking Russian now? 4. May I come in. 5. I go to the library in the evening. 6. You couldn’t ski, it’s so cold. 7. She did that work laughing. 8. I’m allowed to do all I want. 9. My brother was to do this work.10. Have you to answer to the question? 11. He was

Задание 5.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. Где сейчас ваш брат? - Его послали во Францию. 2. Наш дом сейчас ремонтируют. 3. Тебя вчера просили прийти пораньше? 4. Книги надо положить в шкаф. 5. За доктором пошлют завтра. 6. Колю как раз сейчас спрашивают. 7. За Леной послали ли до того как ты пришел? 7. Нас допросили в полиции. 8. Знал ли ты номер его телефона до того как он позвонил?

Задание 6.

Письменно переведите текст и задайте 5 вопросов в виде плана для пересказа текста.

Study at Home

Another pre-Soviet way of life is returning to Moscow. Home education has recently been legalized by city authorities. Moscow News applied to the education department of Moscow's government for comment.

Natalia Shelakhina, head of the department for preschool and primary education, saidthat until recently only parentsof sick and under-developed children were allowed to resortto home teaching. All parents who are not satisfied with the existing schools can hire private teachers or teach their children themselves.

Children learning at home will be formally registered in schools and their parents will get an equivalent of what the state annually spends on each student. The sum is officially estimated at 480 rubles (about $100).

Those who will want to improve their financial situation by skipping school will be disappointed. First, the amount is too small. Second, in order to get permission to educate a child at home the family must sign a contract with a school, after which its representatives examine the child's conditions. If that is approved, school representatives will provide a detailed curriculum and textbooks free of charge.

Parents, in turn, have to provide basic knowledge for their kids. The children will be tested once a month, term, or year, depending on the specific school. If a child fails the exams he or she will have to continue studying in an assigned school. The schools will issue certificates to those who satisfactorily pass the exams.

Only few families choose to tutor their children at home. The majority are affluent families whose children are studying music or preparing for careers in sports. Those parents usually are not interested in state money. The authorities refused to identify any of them.

The education department maintains that this form of education is unlikely to spread. Just like a century ago, only the rich can afford home education. When contacted by phone, education authorities in several of Moscow's districts could not say if any children were going to be educated at home, sounding rather perplexed.

In 1992 the new law on education cancelled the Soviet compulsory education system. Many children are now washing cars, selling newspapers or just begging, and their parents are satisfied that the children earn their living themselves.

Moscow's education department is presently trying to restore the old system of registering children of school age to ensure that all go to primary school. The police are looking up parents who do not let their children go to school.


Задание 1.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 825 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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