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The Design of Residential Areas

1.The term "design" in connection with residential areas means the arrangement of the various parts (the houses, roads, and so on) in such a way that they function properly, can be built economically and give pleasure to look at. The appearance of the area is influenced by its function and the way it is built.

2. The term "residential area" is commonly taken to mean an area of urban development in which the majority of buildings are dwellings. It has now become generally accepted that an area of dwellings, however well designed, is not by itself sufficient to meet the needs of the inhabitants. Schools, shops, playing fields and other communal facilities are necessary to be built to meet these needs. The area containing them is generally called "a neighbourhood".

3. There may be very wide variations in size and shape between one neighbourhood and another, depending on the structure of the town as a whole and on the topography.

4. There is a strong aesthetic argument for subdividing the neighbourhood into housing units. An area of some two or three thousand dwellings is likely to be exceedingly dull in appearance, simply because there is little visual relief from bricks and mortar. Even a variety of dwellings will not help matters, because a general impression of the same kind will remain. If, on the other hand, the area is subdivided into a series of areas, each having its own characteristics (so that it is distinguished from the others), and if all of them are held together by the structure of the neighbourhood plan, there will be variety through the contrasts of each area and unity within the neighbourhoods as a whole.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 429 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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