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Civil Engineering

1. Civil Engineering is known to be an extremely broad professional field. It must make use of many different branches of knowledge, including mathematics, theory of structures, hydraulics, soil mechanics, surveying, hydrology, geology, economics and most recently a knowledge of computers. Civil engineering projects involve the physical, mathematical, earth, social, communications, and engineering sciences. They believe civil engineering problems to involve many other professional areas, including law, public health, economics, management, finance and other branches of engineering.

2. The scope and complexity of the field, and its degree of involvement with other fields, has increased rapidly with the development of modern science and technology and the growth of population and national economics. Taken as a whole, modern engineering constitutes a vital element of national industry which involves large numbers of people of various special interests and occupations.

3. Speaking about civil engineering we must properly use the words "construction" and "building". The term "construction" is supposed to be used to denote the erection and repair of all types of buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures.

4. The word "building" is mainly used in the sense of domestic dwellings, including houses and multistorey blocks of flats, schools, hospitals and office blocks, while "civil engineering" is used with reference to bridges, roads, harbours, water supply and hydroelectric schemes.

5. In our country civil engineers are trained at special higher schools and departments of the politechnical universities. Civil engineering is considered to be a very honourable and ancient profession.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 356 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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