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Practice reading of the following words. Pay special attention to the letters in italics

ch alk, th at, sh elf, wh y, lo ng, qu i ck, kn ife, ph oto, wr ong, ba nk, shock, th i ck.

Приголосні c та g перед голосними i, e, y вимовляються, як правило, відмінно від їх вимови в усіх інших випадках; приголосна x перед голосною під наголосом вимовляється [gz], а в усіх інших випадках – [ks] (див. впр. 5, 6).

5. Consult the dictionary and write down the transcriptions of the given words, explaine the position of c, g, x. Supply for each case your own example.

· c i vil


· c r iminal

· judg e


· g a me

· tex t


· ex a m

6. Practice reading the following words. Pay special attention to the letters in italics:

c itizen, g un, e x ample, c oura g e, g rant, c ase, ta x, c at, g an g, c ourt, c ry.


Деякі англійські слова мають начебто дуже схожу вимову, але такі слова пишуться та вимовляються по-різному, на що треба звернути увагу, щоб уникнути використання невірного слова (див. впр. 1, 2).

1. Consult a dictionary and pronounce the following words correctly:

live – leave, this – these, sin – scene, fill – feel, piece – peace [i] – [i:];

bad – bed, man – men, sad – said, land – lend, pan – pen [ ] – [e];

full – fool, pull – pool, to – too, lose – loose, route – root [u] – [u:];

win – wing, thin – thing, sin – sing, kin – king [n] – [ ];

vine – wine, verse – worse, vest – west, veal – wheel [v] – [w].

2. Choose the right word and read the sentences paying special attention to the pronunciation of “problem sounds”:

1. A … has seven days./ He is very … after the operation. (weak/week)

2. The knife is made of …. It is unmoral to …. (steal/steel)

3. To kill is a …. /He went to a … of a crime. (sin/scene)

4. The king … that his daughter was very …. (sad/said)

5. They will … me a sum of money to buy a piece of …. (land/lend)

6. Young people usually make …. when …. (merry/marry)

7. If it is nice …, we’ll have good …. (vine/wine)

8. Your … won’t be …. (worse/verse)

9. Is this a … to …? (sing/sin)

10. On the 8th of … there is … happiness everywhere. (March/much)

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 276 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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