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Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Simple “I live in Kharkiv”, she says. Present Continuous “He is making a report”, she says. Present Perfect “He has just left”, she says. Present Simple She says she lives in Kharkiv. Present Continuous She says he is making a report. Present Perfect She says he has just left.  
Present Simple “I live in Kharkiv”, she said. Past Simple She said she lived in Kharkiv.
Present Continuous “He is making a report”, she said. Past Continuous She said he was making a report.
Present Perfect “He has just left”, she said. Past Perfect She said he had just left.
Past Simple “He left an hour ago”, she said. Past Perfect She said he had left an hour ago.
Past Continuous “I was working when she rang me”, he said. Past Continuous He said that he was working when she rang him.
Past Perfect Tom said: “I had done my homework by 5 o’clock”. Past Perfect Tom said that he had done his homework by 5 o’clock.
Future Simple “He will be back in an hour”, she said. Future-in-the-Past She said he would be back in an hour.
Future Continuous “He will be questioning the witness in an hour”, she said. Future Continuous-in-the-Past She said he would be questioning the witness in an hour.

Якщо це не впливає на зміст речення, вказівні займенники this та these у непрямій мові повинні змінюватися на that та those: He says, “I know these people”. – He says (that) he knows those people.

Прислівники часу та місця у прямій мові також замінюються на інші у непрямій мові:

Direct speech Indirect speech
now tomorrow, next week, month, etc. yesterday last week, etc. two weeks ago at the moment here this, these then the next day, the following week, month the day before, the previous day the week before, the previous week two weeks before at the time there that, those

Особові та присвійні займенники замінюються за змістом у непрямій мові: Mary said, “Peter has taken my dictionary”. – Марія сказала: „Петро взяв мій словник”; Mary said Peter had taken her dictionary. – Марія сказала, що Петро взяв її словник.

При переведенні питальних речень у непряму мову, порядок слів питального речення замінюється на порядок слів розповідного та відбуваються зміни, аналогічні змінам у розповідних реченнях: He asked me, “Where is your brother?” – Він запитав мене: „Де ваш брат?”; He asked me where my brother was. Він запитав мене, де мій брат.

Знак питання у непрямій мові не зберігається.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 295 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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