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Complete the sentences with the words of the active vocabulary

1. A… is something that you present to somebody.

2. A … is the drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property.

3. Notaries prepare…

4. … are opened and liquidated by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

5. … are performed in the apartment of the state notary’s office, the record notary’s office, the apartment which is the workplace of the private notary or the apartment of the local executive committee.

6. … which have corrections or written in pencil are not adopted for accomplishing notarial actions.

Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary.

1. In many countries, only lawyers have the legal authority to do drafting of wills, trusts, and any other documents that ensure the efficient disposition of a person’s property after death.

2. The notaries perform testaments of the competent citizens drawn up in strict conformity with the law.

3. While certifying notarial acts the notaries check if the contents of a certified deed correspond to the legislation.

4. The notary has certified the document giving me the right to drive my father’s car.

5. The public notary certifying the right of inheritance checks the fact of the death first.

6. If a private notary is going to stop accomplishing his duties for a term more than a week he is obliged to inform the Ministry of Justice.

There are some words in the text the pronunciation of which depends upon the part of speech they denote. Read the following sentences and decide in each case if the word in italics is a verb or a noun. Then decide which stress pattern it has.

Remember! The first syllable is stressed if the word is a noun, the second syllable is stressed if the word is a verb.

a. It’s important to record everything the prisoner says during interrogation.

We keep a record of sales from day to day on the computer.

b. I don`t dispute your claim to the estate.

I believe there is a dispute between my client and yours.

3. I am sure they will convict him.

You must have known he was a convict.

4. The two parties will conduct negotiations next week.

She divorced him because of his unreasonable conduct.

5. The main suspect in murder is the husband.

We suspect that the robbery was carried out by someone inside

the company.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 489 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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