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III. Vocabulary study. Find synonyms in the following group of words

Find synonyms in the following group of words. Try to explain the difference in their meaning, give your own examples.

Will, to verify, deed, to empower, to exercise, to certify, to use, transaction, testament, court, to perform, to employ, to authorize, trial, to attest, contract, document, agreement, to authenticate.

2. In each of the following sets of four, one word or expression is the odd one out: different from the others. Find the word that is different, explain your choice.

1. judge – prosecutor – notary – defence lawyer;

2. attest – verify – supervise – certify;

3. state notary’s office – record office – diplomatic representative office – prosecutor’s office;

4. conveyance of property – hereditary right – purchase-and-sale – civil offence;

5. fingerprint – signature – seal – stamp;

6. power of attorney – transaction – indictment – marriage contract;

7. deed – activity – document – certificate.

Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (with, up, of, at, in).

1. The notaries and other public officials who perform notarial acts ensure that the certified deed is exercised … strict conformity … the law.

2. Power … attorney should be notarially certified.

3. Notariate is the system of notary bodies that perform notarial acts directed … certifying indisputable rights and facts.

4.The documents drawn … by a notary are considered to be authentic.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 369 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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