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You are a barrister in the UK instructing a young European lawyer

A. Make a list of things to do and features he should pay attention to preparing for appellate proceeding. There are also some expressions to help you to describe chronologically the possible procedure:

First of all, …; then usually … and …. After that, … and …; then it’s necessary that … and finally …. However, ….

B. What are the procedures for appealing on civil matters in Ukraine? What sort of problems may a foreign lawyer experience in your legal system?

You are an appellate lawyer who is in doubt as to a real prospect of success of the appeal. Make up a micro dialogue of a lawyer and a client.

Think of a situation which might be possible in real life and explain your client the merits of the case and what the appeal will likely result in this situation. Think about possible strategies and propose a solution.

Use the phrases below:

To describe probability: I’m sure/I don’t doubt …. I think/I expect …. I doubt/I don’t think ….

To describe what the results will/may be: As a result, we will have …. It could lead to …. It may result in …. … will be a direct result. It’d enable us to …. It’d cause ….

To make recommendations: …, so I advise/recommend/suggest …. I recommend/ advise/suggest ….


1. Use the information and language of this unit, your own background knowledge on the subject to write an essay answering the question:

Do you think the appellate review proceeding is important for administration of justice, protection of rights, freedoms and interests of individuals? Explain your point of view.


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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