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Use the information from the text to draw a scheme illustrating routes of civil appeals in England and Wales court system

4. Write the words/phrases associated with the parties of an appellate proceeding in correct column:


Test your vocabulary completing the passage with the words from the box.

Appeals and other Methods of Review

orders, instance, defaulted, trial court, evidence, rendered, judgment, review, motions, appeal, proceeding, final decision, trial, merits.

A judgment of a court of first 1 may be attacked either by an 2 to a higher court or by a request for some form of 3 of the judgment by the court that 4 it. Thus, it is quite generally possible for a defendant who has 5 to ask a court to reopen the case and hear it on its 6. In Anglo-American courts, it is frequently possible to ask for a new 7. In some cases, if, for example, there is newly discovered 8, procedures analogous to 9 for a new trial exist in European countries. The party to any 10 should determine if the judgment may be appealed, because not every decision of a 11 can be appealed. In general, only final judgments or final 12 may be appealed.In certain countries and in some states of the United States, an appeal of a 13 that is not a 14 can be made in addition to appeals of final decisions.

Choose 5 key words you will likely need for writing and speaking on appellate review proceeding. Then write down all collocates for each selected word.

Example: appeal: to file an appeal; initial appeal …

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 367 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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