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C) the international environmental law principles

2. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. The growth of international environmental issues is reflected in ….

2. International environmental law has since been expanded by ….

3. The chief guiding principle is ….

4. The most widely-known protocol in international environmental law is ….

5. Ecological interdependence and international co-operation explain ….

3. Read the text below. Copy out the underlined word combinations from it and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

UNCED reflect the growing range of economic activities which subject to international legal regulation. UNCED agreed environmental priorities which were essentially divided into two categories: those relating to the protection of various environmental media, and those relating to the regulation of particular activities or products. The first category constitute: protection of the atmosphere, in particular by climate change, ozone depletion and ground level and transboundary air pollution; protection of land resources; halting deforestation; conservation of biological diversity; protection of freshwater resources; and protection of oceans and seas (including coastal areas) and marine living resources. The second category of major issues identified products of human technological and industrial innovation which are considered to be harmful to the environment constitute the management of: biotechnology; toxic chemicals, including their international trade; agricultural practice; hazardous wastes, including their international trade; solid wastes and sewage-related issues; and radioactive wastes [from references № 2: p.10, 1995,].

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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