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III. Vocabulary study. 1. Complete the following sentences by translating the words and expressions in brackets:

1. Complete the following sentences by translating the words and expressions in brackets:

1. (Екологічне право) is a body of international/national law that comprises those substantive, procedural and institutional rules. 2. (Шкідливі наслідки) affected the formation and continuous development of environmental law. 3. The rational using of (природних ресурсів) is one of the principles of the environmental law. 4. The land, (атмосферне повітря, надра, рослинний та тваринний світ), waters, forests, (заповідники) are the objects of legal protection in the environmental law. 5. The citizens of Ukraine have a human right to a (здорове) environment.

Complete the sentences with the words of the active vocabulary.

1. … and … are among the objects of the environmental law.

2. … any action rendering the environment dirty.

3. The planet faces a diverse and growing range of … challenges.

4. A wide variety of synthetic and numerous industrial materials … the biosphere.

5. The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere destroys … of the Earth.

Complete the words using definitions

any action making the surroundings dirty a…r
products of the nature c..s..v…..
to dirty something p…u…n
Scrap …li…t..n
Improvement ..s..r..s
protection of environment w….s


Copy out adjectives from the text and tick off their suffixes.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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