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To examine, to inspect, to supervise indictment, supervision, court, direction, prosecution, speech, fixed

Prosecutor’s job is complicated and has different …. First of all he … comprehensive, impartial and full investigation of cases. He also approves the ….

In court he presents public …. His rights in the trial are the following: to submit and … evidence, to question witnesses, to challenge the members of the …. At the end of court hearing he pronounces his … for the prosecution where he explains applicable criminal law and … punishment.

One more duty of the prosecutor is … over the observance of laws by penal system. For this purpose he … places of confinement, questions convicts, checks living and working conditions and so on.

Look through the list of functions performed by the Ukrainian prosecutor. Put them in order they are performed. Translate these word combinations into Ukrainian.

1) to pronounce speech for the prosecution;

2) to question the defendant;

3) to interview witnesses;

4) to study the documents to the case;

5) to submit evidence;

6) to examine evidence accumulated by an investigator;

7) to appeal against a court decision in a higher court.

Using the list above tell about the prosecutor’s responsibilities.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 424 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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