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Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary

1. The main task of all law enforcing agencies is to provide law and order in the state.

2. The Security Service must give the citizen writing explanation as for the limitation of his rights and liberties.

3. Powers fixed in the Ukrainian legislation are the foundation for considering the Security Service as a law enforcing agency.

4. Several organs of the law-enforcement system have their own investigation offices.

5. You must not visit places where you are not sure in your safety.

6. Militia must perform such functions as: administrative activity, preventive actions, operational search actions, procedural, executive and guardian activity.

2. Choose the right preposition according to the contents of the sentences ( for, in, against, by, to ).

1. All law enforcing agencies carry out their duties …conformity with the law.

2. Regional bodies of the internal affairs are subordinated … the Ministry of the Interior.

3. Bodies of the internal affairs perform tasks as … prevention, disclosing, exposing and removal offences.

4. Tasks and authorities of the Security Service of Ukraine are provided for … the law.

5. The Security Service fights crime … peace and security of mankind.

3. Divide the words into three groups according to parts of speech. Translate them into Ukrainian:

Security, direct, supervision, punishable, freedom, free, secure, directive, direction, disclosure, punishment, punish, authorize, legislative, offence, offender, offensive, offense, authority, legislation, legislator, expose, supervise, supervisor, disclose, legislature, subordination, subordinate, subordinator.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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