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B) Choose those

- a judge as a lawyer should possess and make up a sentence with each of them

e.g. A judge must be fair to decide cases fairly.

- a judge should not possess

e.g. A judge should not be absent-minded at the trial, otherwise he can miss something important.

- you have and speak about yourself.

e.g. I am punctual, so I am never late.

You may use other adjectives if you wish.

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the expressions given below.

I agree. I suppose so. That’s right/not right/true. That’s not what I’ve heard. That’s what I’ve heard. I’m not sure. I think so.

- There must be respect for the law on the part of every Ukrainian regardless of rank and position.

- It is not very easy for an ordinary citizen to refer a case to a court of law because the procedures for filing claims are very complicated.

- There are so many discrepancies (розбіжність, суперечність) in the current legislation that even the professional lawyers sometimes find it difficult to determine the jurisdiction of a case: e.g. to be handled by the administrative or the economic court.

- Our courts must serve our citizens, but in fact they serve the state.

- Ukraine will become a law-governed state only if legal punishment becomes unavoidable for everyone without exceptions, including judges and prosecutors.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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