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Coroner’s Court

Notes: a coroner – коронер (слідчий, спеціальною функцією якого є розслідування випадків насильницької або раптової смерті)

a deceased – покійний

a cell – камера

a post-mortem – розтин трупа

an inquest – розслідування

There are special coroner’s courts in some countries such as the USA, the

UK, Canada, Australia and some others.

A coroner is an (посадова особа) responsible for investigating deaths, particularly those happening under (незвичайний) circumstances, and determining the cause of death. Depending on the (юрисдикція), the coroner may decide the cause himself, or (діяти) as a presiding officer of a special (суд) (a “coroner’s jury”).

In England and Wales a coroner is a judicial officer (який призначається) and paid by the local authority. The Coroners are (юристи) (solicitors or barristers) or doctors of at least five years standing. This reflects the role of a coroner, to (визначати) the cause of death of a deceased in cases where the death was sudden, unexpected, occurred (за кордоном), was suspicious in any way or happened while the person was in police cells, or in prison.

The coroner’s jurisdiction is (обмежений) to finding the (ім’я) of the deceased and the cause of the death. When the (смерть) was unexpected, violent or unnatural, the coroner will (вирішувати) whether to hold a post-mortem and, if necessary, an inquest. The coroner’s court is a court of law, and the coroner may summon witnesses.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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