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III. Vocabulary study. 1. Restore the word order:

1. Restore the word order:

a. A/ of government/ the United States/ structure/ has/ federal.

b. On/ the Constitution/ state/ autonomy/ imposes/ limitations.

c. Are/ by/ constituted/ rules/ legal/ the/ and/ the/ courts/ legislature.

d. Called/ the/ rules/ are/ creating/ of government/ agencies/ rules/ constitutive.

e. by/ Congress/ legislative/ the/ power/ exercised/ is.

f. Have/ the/ law/ the/ courts/ authority/ has/ to determine/ conferred.

g. Imposes/ the U.S. Constitution/ obligations/ on/ the/ legal/ states/ with/ each/ in/ their/ other/ relationships.

h. Defined/ the/ the U.S. Constitution/ of/ the/ powers/ government/ federal.

2. Match the suitable translation to the following combinations with the word “power”

Powers expressly assigned

Separation of powers

The Great Powers

The power of attorney

Power to contract

Power structure

The power of attorney and substitution

Power politics

Великі держави

Політика с позиції сили

Право на укладання договорів

Розподіл владних повноважень

Безпосередньо надані повноваження


Доручення з правом передоручення

Структура розподілу влади

The Great Charter (Magna Carta)

3.Read the text and fill in the blanks with verbs in necessary forms:

The idea that government (to be, not) powerful (to appear) with King John’s signing the Magna Carta in 1215 under the threat of civil war. The document (to establish) the principle of limited government refusing the absolute role of the monarch. The Great Charter (to provide) for protection against unjust punishment and the loss of life, liberty and property except according to law. It (to stipulate) that no citizen (can, to punish) without a fair trial. Under this prominent document the king (can, not, to collect) taxes without consulting his advisors.

Though the Magna Carta (to intend) as the document protecting the aristocracy in time it (to come) one of the cornerstones of British liberties. It (to be) still (to regard) one of the oldest written constitutional papers.

4.Read and comment upon the definition of the constitutional rights given below:

Constitutional rights are given or reserved to the people by the U.S. Constitution, and in particular, the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments). These

rights include: writ of habeas corpus, no bill of attainder, no

duties or taxes on transporting goods from one state to another (Article I, Section 9); jury trials (Article III, Section 1); freedom of religion, speech, press (which includes all media),assembly and petition (First Amendment); state militia to bear arms (Second Amendment); no quartering of troops in homes (Third Amendment); no unreasonable search and seizure (Fourth Amendment);major ("capital and infamous") crimes require indictment, no double jeopardy (more than one prosecution) for the same crime, no self-incrimination, right to due process, right to just compensation for property taken by eminent domain (Fifth Amendment); in criminal law, right to a speedy trial, to confront witnesses against one, and to counsel (Sixth Amendment); trial by jury (Seventh Amendment); right to bail, no excessive fines, and no cruel and unusual punishments (Eighth Amendment); unenumerated rights are reserved to the people (Ninth Amendment); equal protection of the laws (14th Amendment); no racial bars to voting (15th Amendment); no sex bar to voting (19th Amendment); and no poll tax (24th Amendment). Constitutional interpretation has expanded and added nuances to these rights.

5. Join the word pieces:








Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 473 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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