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Every lawyer and law student has at least one funny story about law school. Love it or hate it, law school leaves indelible impressions on our psyches. Go through these two stories and write your own.

1) We were in first-year torts and discussing slander. The Professor stated that one of the elements of slander was that the defamatory statement must be heard by “one third person.” A student raised her hand and told the Professor she didn't understand.
The Professor went on to explain how if one third person didn't hear the statement it wasn't considered published and didn't fulfill the elements. The student, still obviously confused, asked: "But I still don't understand which 1/3 of the person has to hear it!"

2) Having gone straight from college to law school, I didn’t even own a suit by the time first-year mock oral arguments came around. The weekend before I was scheduled, I hit Filene’s and bought a brand new “power suit.” I looked pretty sharp, felt pretty good, and come oral argument time, I was ready to blow them away.
As I put the suit on, I realized, in terror, that there in very obvious plain view was the shoplifting tag that the Filene’s clerk had left on my jacket! Not having any time to stop at a store to get it removed before the argument, I just went to school, hoping no one would notice. Wouldn’t you know, the first words out of my opponent’s mouth were: “Your Honor, opposing counsel is a common criminal and shoplifter, how can you believe anything this woman says?!”
Needless to say, that comment broke the ice, and I was able to make my argument with a lot less tension.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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