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Study the following information and compare admissions criteria and financing law degrees in the US and Ukraine


Admission to US law schools is extremely competitive, especially for international applicants. Admissions criteria include:

• Undergraduate and postgraduate (if applicable) coursework

• Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) scores – for JD applicants

• 2-3 letters of recommendation

• Statement of purpose

• CV and/or writing sample for some schools – extracurricular activities and previous work experience will be taken into account during admissions

• Interview for some schools

• Financial arrangements (applicants may be asked to provide information on how they intend to fund their legal education).

In terms of previous coursework, JD programmes do not require that applicants take an undergraduate degree in a particular subject or to have completed specific courses. Instead, they emphasize the importance of a demanding and well-rounded education with experience in a variety of disciplines.



As the cost of higher education increases in the US, it is important for students to know what costs to expect and to develop a plan to cover these. Students should expect to pay application fees that range between $50 and $120 per application. Additionally, you may need to factor in the cost of sitting the LSAT exam ($127 for JD applicants).

Tuition and fees rates can vary significantly from university to university, as there are no standard government set fees as in the UK. Rather, each university sets its own tuition and fees rates. Tuition for JD and LLM programmes can range from $20,000 to $45,000 per academic year. When considering funding for your degree, you should also consider living expenses (about 20, 000$), books and personal costs.


There is limited university funding available for law degrees; however, applicants should explore all options for university scholarships and fellowships and make sure they are considered for applicable awards. Applicants may also wish to investigate funding from external funding bodies.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 353 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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