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I. Read/listen to the dialogue between a travel agent and a customer:

Agent: Good morning. Distant Dreams Travel.

Billy: Oh, hello. Do you sell airline tickets for New Zealand?

Agent: Yes.

Billy: Right. I'd like four tickets from London Heathrow to New Zealand.

Agent: What's your exact destination?

Billy: Auckland.

Agent: And when do you want to go?

Billy: I'd like to go on Friday the fifth of next month.

Agent: Return or one-way?

Billy: I'd like return tickets, please. We want to come back one month later.

Agent: OK. I'll just check on the computer. OK, do you want economy or business class?

Billy: Oh, business class is expensive. I prefer economy. How much is that?

Agent: Let me see. Four return tickets in economy, and your departure date is the fifth. OK. We've got Air New Zealand and Qantas for those dates. On Air New Zealand it's six thousand New Zealand dollars, about two thousand pounds. Qantas is more expensive - about two thousand, three hundred pounds, but it's a shorter flight. Which do you prefer?

Billy: The cheaper one, Air New Zealand, I think. What time does the flight leave London?

Agent: At ten thirty in the morning.

Billy: Is it a direct flight?

Agent: No, there's a short stop in Bangkok.

Billy: Fine. I'd like four tickets then, please.

( Total English, Elementary, Student’s Book)

II. Read the text giving the things important for air travelers:

If you are flying with Go Faster Airlines, read this notice before you go to the airport.

Documents - Go Faster Airlines uses an electronic check-in system. You don’t have to bring your tickets to the check-in desk, but you have to bring proof of your identity (including your photo): for example a passport, driving license or identity card. If you are flying to another country, you have to show your passport. Be at check-in two hours before your departure time.

Luggage – With Go Faster Airlines you can check in a maximum of 20 kg of luggage to put in the hold (checked-in luggage). You can take a maximum 5 kg of hand luggage (carry-on luggage) You can’t put sharp objects in your hand luggage. You have to put then in your checked luggage. Your suitcase has to have a label with your name and address. The label does not have to have your flight number because that is on the electronic label.

Electronic devices – You have to switch off all electronic devices before boarding the plane. You can’t use your mobile phone inside the plane. Also, don’t take drinks and food on the plane and wear your seat best during the flight.

Match 1 - 5 to their meanings a - e:

1. proof a) The bags you give in at the check-in desk

2. the hold b) Entering the plane

3. hand luggage c)This is the place on the plane where they put bags.

4. checked luggage d) This shows that something is true

5. boarding e) Small bags you take on the plane.

Say what is necessary/unnecessary and what is possible/not possible:

  necessary unnecessary Possible notpossible
Bring tickets to the check-in desk        
Bring proof of your identity        
Show your passport when you fly to another country        
Check in 20kg of luggage        
Take more than 5 kg of hand luggage        
Put sharp objects in hand luggage        
Put a label on your bag with your name & address        
Put your flight number on your suitcase label        
Switch off electronic units before you board the plane        
Use a mobile phone inside the plane        

III. Getting information while travelling in Great Britain:

Welcome to the free Tourist Information Line for visitors to Great Britain. For information on visas and immigration, please press one. For information on driving in Britain, please press two. For information on hotels, please press three. For information on public transport in Britain, please press four. To return to this menu at any time press the star key. You have chosen option two: driving in Britain.

If you have a valid driving license from your own country, you can drive in Britain without a British license for six months. After six months, you have to get a British driving license. To get a British license you have to take a driving test. You can find information about the British driving test on our website. To rent a car in Britain you have to have a valid driving license from your country and a credit card. Drivers under the age of 18 can't rent cars in Britain. When you are driving in Britain, you don't have to keep your documents with you. The British drive on the left side of the road and, unlike the United States, you can't turn right at a red traffic light. For more information on British driving regulations, please look at our website. That is the end of the driving section. To return to the main menu press the start key.

IV. Steve speaks about things that may be useful for those travelling in the USA:

We don't have a lot of rules in the United States really. I mean we don't have to do military service and we don't have to have identity cards. You can drive when you're 16 and you can even buy a gun when you're 21! But some things aren't so easy. You have to be 21 to go into a bar or a nightclub, and smoking is difficult - you can't smoke in offices, shops or restaurants. And of course we have to pay when we see a doctor or go to hospital.

V. Useful vocabulary: go by car/bus/train/plane/taxi/bicycle get on/off a bus/train/plane/taxi/bicycle

get into/out of car/taxi

catch, take or miss a bus/train/plane/taxi

beach or sightseeing holidays, camping or skiing holidays

rent a car, use local transport, go abroad, stay in hotels

go self-catering, sunbathe on the beach, pack/unpack

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