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Speak about the way you and your friends spend your free time after reading the following stories

II. Isabel’s weekend.

My name is Isabel. I do lots of things at the weekend.

I often meet my friends at the shops on Saturday morning and we go shopping, then we have lunch in a café. Sometimes I have a game of tennis in the park on Saturday afternoon or I swim and sunbathe at the swimming pool. In the evening I go to the cinema. On Sunday I like to relax, and I usually stay at home.

Correct the sentences below:

Isabel has lunch at home on Saturdays

She doesn’t have lunch at home on Saturdays – She has lunch in a cafe.

1. She plays tennis at the sport center. 2. She meets her friends at the gym. 3. She watches films at home in the evening. 4. She swims at the beach. 5. She relaxes at a club on Saturdays.

III. John’s and Lola’s weekends.

John: I do not like getting up early at the weekends so I usually stay in bed late – sometimes until about 10:30 AM! I absolutely love having a big breakfast on Saturdays. I can’t stand going to the gym or doing exercise but I sometimes go for a walk in the afternoon. I quite like meeting friends in the park or just lying on the grass and doing nothing. I am not very keen on going out on Saturday evening. I stay in and chat on the phone and get a take-away pizza.

Lola: I really hate doing nothing so I get up early on Saturdays and start the day by checking my e-mails. I really like meeting friends and having breakfast in a cafe, so I catch a bus into town at about 9:00AM. After breakfast, my friends and I sometimes go to an art gallery. I am quite keen on most kinds of art so I don’t mind which gallery we go to but my friends really hate modern art. I do different things on Saturday evenings. I sometimes have dinner with friends or I stay in and watch TV.

Complete the sentences with John or Lola:

1. ______ likes getting up early on Saturday. 2.______ likes having a lot to eat for breakfast. 3.______ doesn’t usually have breakfast at home on Saturdays. 4. ______ doesn’t like doing any sport or exercise. 5.______ likes doing nothing in the park.

6. ______ likes going to art galleries. 7. ______ likes chatting on the phone on Saturday evenings. 8.______ likes watching TV in the evening.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 917 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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