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Exchange Programs

A student exchange program generally could be defined as a program where students from university choose to study abroad in partnered institutions. The term “exchanges” means that partnered institutions exchange their students, but not necessarily the students have to find a counterpart from the other institution to exchange with. Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping to increase the participants’ understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as language skills and broaden their social horizons. The participants can either apply for a scholarship or be self-funded. An exchange student can live in a hostel, affordable apartment/house or student lodge. An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a relatively short period of time, often 6 to 10 months. Some students on exchange programs can receive academic credit from the country they study in. Most programs expect the prospective exchange student to demonstrate some ability to speak the language of the country they choose. Objectives of study visits can be described as follows: to enhance the educational experience of student; to strengthen the networking between students and universities; broaden personal and educational perspectives; explore, appreciate and understand different cultures; to enhance the ability of the student in second language learning; to eliminate fear and prejudice among nations; enable student to experience international education.

Students’ experience and testimonials

Here are some testimonials of students who have been involved with student exchange programs. Other testimonials could be read on the websites of universities that offer these programs.

“I spent the semester at the University. I had been studying Spanish prior to going to Mexico but for some reason just could not manage to say a word. For me the best decision I made was to stay with a host family. Together with my host family and my Spanish teachers I was soon speaking Spanish. It was beneficial that classes were small and help was always available. What I enjoyed most about my whole time in Mexico would have to be the wonderful people I met and the new culture I was able to experience.”

“I would definitely recommend a study program to other students, but I would emphasize that the success of an exchange depends mostly on yourself and your attitude. A positive attitude and a willingness to adapt and learn are crucial to making the most of your time. And don’t be afraid to try new things or befriend people you wouldn’t expect.”

“Being on exchange… forces you to explore, experiment, to change, grow, and develop. One of the greatest benefits of my participation in the AIIU exchange program was the independence and understanding that I gained while learning to navigate and enjoy a culture and country so different from my own. Whenever I look back on my experience I can’t imagine where I would now be in life and who I would be as a person if I hadn’t participated.”

(Australian Institute of International Understanding (AIIU) Exchange program with Japan.)

Read the following report. Pay attention to the verb forms
that are used.

I am studying for the Diploma in Economic Development at the department of Economics. It is a one-year course which consists of lectures, seminars, essay writing, and an examination at the end. I started the course at the beginning of October this year; it will finish in June next year.

So far, I have enjoyed the course. However, I have had two kinds of difficulties: one is following some of the lecturers – they speak quickly and not very clearly; the other difficulty is caused by the use of mathematics in economics. I have difficulty in understanding and doing some of the equations.

This term I have done two essays: they were quite long, and required a lot of reading in the library. Although I found it rather difficult to write the essays, I learned a lot, and received good marks for them. Next term I shall have to write another essay.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 303 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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