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Exercise 4. Put the verbs into the correct form. Remember, that these verbs are not normally used in the continuous tenses

1. I not (to understand) what you (to mean).

2. I’m hungry. I (to want) something to eat.

3. Ann not (to seem) very happy at the moment.

4. – You (to see) that man over there? – Where, I (not to see) anybody?

5. – This room (to smell). – Let’s open a window.

6. I (not to know) what to give my brother for his birthday.

7. – You (like) your present? – Yes, I (to like) it very much! It (to be) gorgeous!

8. You are a liar, I (to hate) you!

9. You are a liar, I (not to believe) you!

10. The building (to need) quite a few repairs.

11. – Would you like some tea? – I (to prefer) coffee.

12. Now we (to suppose) that the situation will improve.

13. – Oh I (to remember) you! We worked together two years ago!

14. – Your apple pie is wonderful! What it (to consist) of?

15. The value of Y (to depend) on X.

16. – I (not can) eat it! I never eat garlic, and the food (to taste) of garlic.

17. – Speak loudly! I (not to hear) you well!

Exercise 5. Put the verbs into the correct form. Remember, when think means ‘believe’, you don’t use the continuous.

1. I (to think) there’s no harm in it.

2. What you (to think) of this singer?

3. He (to think) of himself as a poet.

4. Everything may happen sooner than you (to think).

5. What she (to think) about?

6. My father (to think) twice before doing something.

7. Please (to think) for a moment before answering.

8. I often (to think) about it.

9. Sorry, I am not talking to you, I just (to think) aloud.

10. His mother (to think) of giving up her job.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs into the correct form. Remember, when have means ‘possess’, you don’t use the continuous.

1. She says she (to have) a wonderful time now.

2. I (to have) everything I want.

3. I (to have got) no money with me.

4. April (to have) 30 days.

5. We (not to have) time to stay.

6. My family (to have) breakfast now.

7. In the morning his mother (to have) coffee.

8. Her cousin (to have) a cold.

9. He (to have) a sandwich for his lunch now.

10. Ann (to have) long fair hair now.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 852 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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