Студопедия.Орг Главная | Случайная страница | Контакты | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!  

Unit 11. Modal verbs

Item 11.1 Modal verbs (Positive sentences)

Item 11.2 Modal verbs (Negative sentences)

Item 11.3 Modal verbs (Interrogative sentences)

Item 11.4 Have To

Item 11.5 Modal verbs(Review)

Unit 12 To be (Past Simple)

Unit 13 Past Simple

Item 13.1 Past Simple (Positive sentences)

Item 13.2 Past Simple (Negative sentences, Interrogative)

Item 13.3 Past Simple (Regular and irregular verbs)

Unit 14. There is/there are

Item 14.1 There is/ there are (Present Simple. Positive sentences)

Item 14.2 There is/ there are (Present Simple. Negative sentences)

Item 14.3 There is/ there are (Present Simple. Interrogative sentences)

Item 14.4 There is/ there are (Past Simple)

Item 14.5 There is/ there are (Future Simple)

Item 14.6 There is/there are (Review)

Unit 15. Past Continuous

Item 15.1 Past Continuous (Positive, Negative, Interrogative sentences)

Item 15.2 Past Continuous or Past Simple.

Unit 16. Present Perfect

Item 16.1 Present Perfect (Positive sentences)

Item 16.2 Present Perfect (Negative sentences)

Item 16.3 Present Perfect (Interrogative sentences)

Item 16.4 Present Perfect or Past Simple

Unit 17. Present Perfect Continuous

Item 17.1 Present Perfect Continuous

Item 17.2 Present Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous

Unit 18. Tag Questions

Unit 19. Special Questions

Unit 20. Sequence of tenses

Unit 21. Passive voice

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 800 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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